Pastoral Care Training Opportunity 14 -16 June 2024

If you are interested in attending please contact the church office.

Download this brochure here.


Bible Study - On Proverbs (6 session in April and May 2024)

These six studies will be led by Rev Bruce Stevens at 11.00am for an hour. All welcome. 

  • 1 - Wednesday 24 April
  • 2 - Wednesday 1 May
  • 3 - Wednesday 8 May
  • 4 - Wednesday - 15 May
  • 5 - Wednesday 22 May
  • 6 - Wednesday 29 May

* If you are interested in an evening-time Bible Study, please let Geoff know - or contact the church office.


Lenten Seminars on Perspectives on Evil (2024) 

Led by Rev Dr’s Geoff Dornan and Bruce Stevens. No need to register.

Simply come along  to any or all five sessions (4pm-5.30pm each Sunday in Lent 2024)

First session is Sunday 25 February 2024 in foyer at Wesley - click here for more information


Workshop: Understanding Intergenerational Family Themes - 27 Jan 2024

This 1.5-hour workshop will teach and use the genogram, a tool from family therapy, to explore emotional and spiritual themes that run in families.

The Rev Dr Bruce Stevens, endorsed clinical psychologist, will lead this interactive workshop. Discover both healthy and maybe not so healthy patterns – and think about what might need to change. You are welcome to bring a friend or family member who might be interested. 

Wesley Foyer, 4pm, Saturday 27 January 2024 - click here to download the workshop notes


The Challenge of COVID-19 to Social Ethics As We Know Them (2022)

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Way We Think about Ethics by Rev Dr Geoff Dornan - download here


Ethics Study Series Rev Dr Geoff Dornan (Oct 2021)

Series I - Why Do We Think The Way We Do About Ethics? 

Study 1 - The Examined Life study materials here
Study 2 - Hebrew thought study materials here
Study 3 - Greeks and geeks study materials here

Series II - Why We Think The Way We Think About Morality and Ethics?

Study 1 - Genetic Engineering: What's All the Fuss About?  study materials here

Sunday 14th November from 3pm-4:30pm
Wednesday 17th November from 11am-12:30pm 
Thursday 18th November from 11am-12:30pm

Study 2 - Euthanasia - We All Die  study materials here

Sunday 21st November from 3pm-4:30pm
Wednesday 24th November from 11am-12:30pm
Thursday 25th November from 11am-12:30pm

Study 3: Covid 19 study materials here

Sunday 28th November from 3pm-4:30pm
Wednesday 1st December from 1am-12:30pm
Thursday 2nd December from 11am-12:30pm

These studies are open to everyone who may like to be part of them. 

For more information please contact the church office.


The Book of Revelation (post Easter 2020)

Biblestudy - Book of Revelation - Easter 2020 - Rev Prof Bruce Stevens

Rev Prof Bruce Stevens has prepared seven sessions through which we can explore the Book of Revelation together.
Bruce has also provided text study guides for you. As you watch the videos, Bruce will occasionally invite you to pause for your own reading and reflecting on portions of Revelation.

Further, we encourage you to talk with others, family in your house, friends by phone, email, skype, as you reflect on what you discover in this intriguing book.

We will release a new video each week.

Week 1 "The Birth of the Apocalyptic"video week 1

Week 2 "Introduction to the Book of Revelation" - video week 2

Week 3 "Letters to the Churches" - video week 3

Week 4 "Theme of worship" - video week 4

Week 5 "The Unholy "Trinity" of false Prophet, Beast, and Anti-Christ" - video week 5

Week 6 "Here comes the Judge" - video week 6

Week 7 - "New Heavens and New Earth" - video week 7

The study guide can be downloaded here.

Print copies of the study guide are available from the church office.


Book of Job Studies (Feb 2020)

The Old Testament Book of Job asks the big questions. Does it provide any answers? This is less clear... certainly not the trite responses we so often hear in church circles. This Bible study series examines pastoral care themes in Job. It is a great work of literature written by someone expressing the anguish of belief.

Week 1 “Between Heaven and Hell”

Introduction to the form of the book [prose and poetic dialogues], evidence of great literature, is it Jewish black humour? Irony. The invitation to ‘curse God and die’. Or to wrestle with God like Jacob?

Week 2 “Taking God to Court: Integrity at What Cost?”

The forensic structure of the book with a central theme of issuing a subpoena to God to show up in court and justify his actions. The extreme anger of Job against the injustice of his treatment by God. The path of integrity at extreme cost. What are the implications for us?

Week 3 “The Risk of Transgressing Orthodoxy”

Job challenged the established orthodoxy of the Old Testament based on a covenant relationship with God. We will look at Job’s ‘four counsellors’ Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar, with the late addition of Elihu. What was their message to Job and why did he reject it?

Week 4 “Why do the Innocent Suffer?”

The question of sufferings is different for us. We have a post- enlightenment view of suffering where the ancient Hebrews saw it in relational terms: a breach of the covenant. How is the New Testament, with the centrality of Jesus, different?

The studies will be in the Wesley Centre, all welcome, bring a Bible. All studies self-contained so come to any or all - as you can.

Days: Wednesdays, 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th February 2020 Time: 5-6:30pm
Venue: Foyer, Wesley Uniting Church
Speaker: Rev Professor Bruce Stevens (adjunct CSU) is a Minister-in-association at Wesley, employed part-time to assist with pastoral care. He is a clinical and forensic psychologist with a private practice.

Notes on Bible Study can be found here.  


“Before Belief”

What is our first understanding of God? Perhaps there is a sense of spirituality, mystery or transcendence from birth. As we mature, becoming more rational and cynical, do we lose something? These and other intriguing questions will be discussed along with practical exercises of self-discovery in six sessions. Come to what you can, there is no expectation that a participant will make every session.

Outline of Sessions:

  1. Intergenerational Patterns using the genogram and journaling.
  2. Attachment Patterns explaining the four patterns of attachment and using Miner’s attachment to God questionnaire.
  3. Early Memories using first memory, early religious memories
  4. The Five Senses. What is the preferred sense to experience God?
  5. Hidden learning using sentence completion for childhood experience and God.
  6. Spiritual Profile questionnaire. What does our individual profile look like? How has it influenced our adult spirituality?


Wesley Wayfarers

Wesley Wayfarers try to meet on the second Sunday afternoon of each month to consider various matters of Christian faith from a progressive perspective. Progressive theology is an approach that seeks to understand the real, underlying meaning of scripture as distinct from what might appear to be its meaning from a simple literal reading of it. The group was established following the Common Dreams Conference held in Canberra in 2013.

Subjects that have so far been discussed by the group include "A 21st Century view of the Christmas story", the Creeds as Third Century statements of faith, the nature and meaning of the Resurrection of Jesus, the Atonement and "Did God create the Universe?"

The Wayfarers try to meet at 2pm at the church on the second Sunday, and all members of the parish are very welcome to attend. Contacts: Liz (6254 7641) or the Church office. All welcome.

Current Study Book TBA


Wesley Faith Frontier Forums

The Wesley Faith Frontier Forums seek to reinvigorate our Christian faith with fresh meaning for today's world, and to deepen our individual spirituality. The group meets for periods of study and exploration on Sunday afternoons.

The sessions are open to everyone. You are especially encouraged to attend if you are thinking about confirmation. Enquiries can be made at the Church Office about our next series.

Our Faith Frontier Forums arise because at Wesley we are very proud of our Uniting Church's Basis of Union, and we see great significance in its paragraph 11, titled "Scholarly Interpreters", which reads:

"The Uniting Church acknowledges that God has never left the church without faithful and scholarly interpreters of Scripture, or those who have reflected deeply upon, and acted trustingly in obedience to, God's living Word. In particular, the Uniting Church enters into the inheritance of literary, historical and scientific enquiry which has characterised recent centuries, and gives thanks for the knowledge of God's ways with humanity which are open to an informed faith?. It prays that it may be ready when occasion demands to confess the Lord in fresh words and deeds."

In addition, Exploring the Christian Faith and Confirmation classes are held annually.


Series held earlier:

Sessions will be led by Dr Bruce Stevens. He is a minister-in-association at Wesley, clinical psychologist and research professor at CSU. He is writing a book on our earliest spirituality tentatively called Before Belief.

Theology in Film Series (held in year 2015)

Theology has ‘escaped’ theological colleges and dry academic journals. While good books will continue to be written, theology now has a wider audience than even those who attend church on a regular basis. Serious theology is often done through film nowadays. This series will introduce controversial films that raise traditional theological questions and risk unexpected answers. We do this during Lent because many important Lenten themes are touched upon in these films.

A series of films will be played in a ‘Readers Digest’ abridged form of 45-60 minutes, one each week and then discussion to follow. You will be encouraged to watch the film before, perhaps through YouTube or other sources, but this is not necessary. Come to what interests you.

Discussion will be led by The Rev’d Dr Bruce Stevens, Wicking Professor of Ageing and Practical Theology (CSU), clinical psychologist and a member of Wesley.

1. The Nature of Evil Triumph of Will (1935) is the most famous propaganda movie of all time. Directed by Leni Riefenstahl, it sought to glorify Adolf Hitler, portrayed as the messiah, and justify the Nazi war machine. This raises questions about the nature of evil and how we respond as Christians. Does evil exist or is it ‘a parasite on the good’? See YouTube. 7.45pm on Wednesday 18th February in the Wesley Hall.

2. Miracles? Leap of Faith (1992) starring Steve Martin and Debra Winger, is about a corrupt evangelist Jonas Nightengale. There is a miracle which seems to come from God, a healing, but in response to an insincere prayer. This raises difficult theological questions about ‘the unexplained’. Do miracles exist in an age of rationality? Does a possible miracle nurture or distract from faith? Many church traditions emphasise the miraculous, how do we respond? See YouTube. 7.30pm on Wednesday 25th February in Wesley Hall.

3. Fundamentalism and Belief Ordet (1955) is a Danish film. In a rural setting, the second son of the generally devout Borgen family goes insane studying theologian Soren Kierkegaard, believes himself to be Jesus Christ, and prays for the dead Inger to come back to life. This raises questions about orthodoxy, inclusion and exclusion, and in practical terms: should a young couple marry across lines of sectarian belief? A dramatic and surprising ending. See YouTube. 7.30pm Wednesday 4th March in Wesley Hall.

4. Life in the Kingdom of God Babette’s Feast (1987) is literally a feast. This amazing story is one of abundance against a backdrop of poverty. It is about grace for the undeserving of the most extravagant kind. The best of wine and food - is this a foretaste of what we might expect in heaven? I would like to think so. Can we enjoy all the good that God offers, even in this age, as a sacrament of the World to Come? See YouTube. 7.30pm on Wednesday 11th March in Wesley Hall.

Safe Place Statement

The Uniting Church in Australia believes that all people are made in the image of God, and as such we accept every individual regardless of race, age, creed, sexuality and gender. 


Wesley Uniting Church
Street: 20 National Circuit, Forrest, ACT 2603
Postal: PO Box 3217, Manuka, ACT 2603

Church Office Hours:
Mon - Fri, 10:00am to 1:00pm
phone: (02) 6295 3680
Click here to email us

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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we live, learn and work, and pay our respects to the First Nations Peoples and their Elders, past, present and emerging.

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